Sunday, January 13, 2008

Bad blogger! Bad!

I'm sorry everyone. I have not, as you might have assumed, been abducted by aliens, taken a vow of computer celibacy, or simply forgotten how to log into my blogger account. I have just (wait for it...wait for it....)

been busy.

I know, I know -- how long does it really take to jot down a quick, "Hello from planet Alyson" blog every now and then? Yes, chastise me for my absenteeism. Please. I'm waiting. I can take it.

(sound of me expectantly cringing. no, that doesn't make a sound. just go with me on this one, okay?)

Anyway, I could give you the rundown, but really, it would be boring. In fact, if we'd done anything really exciting, I would have blogged it. It's just been work, homeschooling, family time, house upkeep...the boring everyday stuff you really don't want to hear about.

But as a peace offering, I extend this olive branch of photography. It's not much, but I hope it shows my sincere thanks that you even checked back after almost a month to read this. And I promise, I won't be so long away again if I can help it.


Emilee Odette Garrett said...

I don't think I should chastise you since I caught up with you Sat night! Thanks so much... It was so fun and we can't wait to do it again - SOON!

OurLilypad said...

ok....we can we not forgive you when post such cute pictures?! rofl

Michelle said...

Beautiful photos! It's hard to shame you when you make us laugh . . .