Thursday, December 06, 2007

Ginger-board house

So, Will wanted to do a gingerbread house this year. He also wanted to buy one of those kits from Wal-Mart or wherever that are like "Gingerbread House in a box." Well, that just seemed wrong to me. I mean, what's the point if you buy a kit? If you're going to do a gingerbread house, I thought, you should do it for real.

And when I say "for real," I mean using graham crackers instead of gingerbread, buying pre-made frosting, and substituting cardboard for the roof when you can't figure anything else out.

Yes, purist right now are horrified, I know. I really *wanted* to do a real house, but I figured that a cardboard-and-graham-cracker house was better than nothing, which is probably what he would have gotten if I'd been determined to do it "right." I have five stories due in the next two weeks, and I've been slammed doing phone interviews with experts and trying to manage my household at the same time. So right now, this ginger-board house looks pretty darn good.

Just please don't eat the roof.

1 comment:

the ruffhouse said...

It's adorable! And way more fun to blog about than a Wal-Mart kit, right??
Your kids are beautiful!