Friday, September 14, 2007

Will went on a playdate today, so I decided Little Miss and I would take another shot at some good "two year" photos. Yes, I know that was almost a month ago, but I still haven't gotten any I'm really happy with. These are better.

I am feeling a little sensitive, like my photos are missing that je ne sais quoi I think they used to have. I haven't been putting as much into them since I've been really ramping up my writing career, but I do still love it, and love messing with them when I have time. Maybe it's the post-process time I'm missing. I don't know...but these are okay. They show HER, I think. And isn't that the idea?

1 comment:

Emilee Odette Garrett said...

I think they're great! Maybe all the stress of the move, selling the house, etc., is causing your photo malaise. I'll let you practice on Caroline! ;-)