Friday, March 09, 2007

Hilarity ensues...

Well, Ben was off work today, and I have been wanting to get a new headshot for my column that runs in the local parenting pub here. So we though, what the heck, let's go ahead and try and get this done. So we pin up my "backdrop" and I sit down, ready to try and get some shots...when Ham-aliscious (Hamalaide?) baby girl says, "Oh...a camera? They must want ME!" So she comes over and decides to diaper primadonna her way into the photos. This is only one of them, but it is one of the funniest to me. I think she'd be giving me bunny ears if she knew how. (It would, after all, be retribution.)

Or, as I'm sure my parents would say, it would be just desserts for the former childhood ham-it-up queen...yours truly.
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OurLilypad said...

love it! I think it also captures what we all see as parents...never a dull moment, lol.

Emilee Odette Garrett said...

So cute and funny!!! What a personality... (And you, dear, look stunning!)

The Amusing Uterus said...

Linda, I totally had not even considered that! know, it is certainly an idea with merit -- shows the true life of a mommy!