Monday, March 12, 2007

Adelaide in her surgical duds

Well, Adelaide got tubes in her ears today. This is a shot of her before they took her in. Not so great quality -- I took it with my cell phone -- but she was really good while we waited. Afterwards, she was very fussy for a while, but all seems to be well now. Next week we go back for our follow-up and we're going to get her some custom-fitted ear molds for when she takes a bath or swims.

The doctor said she did have some fluid that drained, but that was normal and she didn't have an acute ear infection today. (That's good.) So here's hoping all is well in the ear department from now on!
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Anonymous said...

Oh goodness she's precious! Glad it went well

Emilee Odette Garrett said...

Hope things are better now! Sweet girl...