Anyway, do you like the color we finally decided on? We do! We've also decided to do a crown moulding on the ceiling and a base moulding on the floor around the tile. We think it will dress it up a lot. Now we just have to actually get the TILE down! Which, I don't know if I mentioned, we also "stole." We got it at the Habitat of Humanity ReStore in BR. It is verrrrrrry hit and miss, but we managed a hit this time, with some cool rectangular and square bone-colored natural tiles. We also got some inexpensive slate tiles to mix in. Can't wait to get it laid down, now so we can get this bathroom functioning again -- we have to lock the door so poor Will doesn't mistakenly pee on the concrete floor during his middle of the, call of nature. Anyway, consider this a sneak peek at what we HOPE will be 99% finished this weekend!

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