Thursday, November 02, 2006

Help us, John Kerry!

What better illustration of the fundamental STUPIDITY of what Kerry said than the very people he insulted showing that his words were so incorrect and ridiculous that they only want to laugh in his face?

The fact that he says it was a "botched joke" does not excuse what he said -- the reality is that he would never have said it that way if he didn't think it were true.

The reality is that all educational levels are represented in our armed forces. But there are other choices for people than to join -- and that is just it -- it is a CHOICE. Maybe he doesn't agree with the choice, but that just further illustrates why he has no right leading this country in any capacity: An inability to realize that people are making a conscious choice based upon their personal goals and ethics is a fault that is mutually exclusive of someone who needs to be able to listen to the many sides of an issue before jumping to conclusions.

Yes, realistically, many in politics today are motivated by black and white, line-in-the-sand mentalities on both sides of the political fence. And it isn't okay either time. But as my five-year-old would say, "You shouldn't say someone is stupid." Say that what they did was stupid (like pull out in front of you in traffic and dart through a busy intersection -- that's usually when I get chastised by the Kindergarten Morality Police), but saying that someone is is a word that should never be used as an adjective for a person. It demeans and dehumanizes.

So why would John Kerry do that to the troops? It certainly didn't work out in his best interest. I guess I would just have to say that it might have been his own "intellectual laziness" -- the laziness of not bothering to look beyond the political mores upon which you define yourself -- that made him do such a "stupid" thing. Posted by Picasa

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