Monday, August 15, 2005

Soon, very soon!

Well, as of Monday afternoon, I am still pregnant, and it looks likely I will make it to my scheduled date of August 19. In some ways we are soooooooo ready for this to be over, but in other ways, we wish we had more time. All those things that aren't completely done yet are all general houselholdy type stuff, though, and I think we'll survive if we have the baby and, for example, her dresser is not completely done being refinished.

Poor Ben has been working soooooo hard at work and at home trying to get us ready for this since I have been more or less on a relaxed bedrest regimen. It's just a blood pressure thing, so I have been learning when I'm overexerting myself. Each day, it seems, it takes less and less activity for me to start feeling really cruddy, though...

Anyway, we will obviously post pictures here and send out emails after the baby arrives. We'd appreciate everyones prayers and thoughts for a safe arrival for our little girl this Friday (and for Mommy's speedy recovery.)