Thursday, January 27, 2005

A better "photo"...but we'll be seeing this peanut again in about two and a half months, when we will hopefully find that this child is, like Will, not shy about disclosing its gender! We're not really into the whole "wait and see" thing -- we really want to know as soon as we can! For us, we'd rather have the "surprise" about halfway through because there are enough other things to handle when the baby arrives. But that's just us. :-) Posted by Hello

Okay, no scanner because our apartment is about the size of a large closet and we didn't have room, so I'm doing it the low-tech (sort of) way -- I just took a digital pic. So...this is peanut, part deux, first photo! Posted by Hello

Ooops, can't forget to show off the Millenium Falcon (and the messy popsicle face)! Posted by Hello

Well, Ben and I had enough snow to last us a LIFETIME in Wisconsin, but Will was more than happy to bundle up and get out in the white stuff when the huge winter storm attacked Kentucky. Posted by Hello

Will admires his new Star Wars toys -- it was just what he asked for! Posted by Hello

Life as we didn't expect it

Well, I write this at the end of what has been a strange and somewhat stressful month. The plant where Ben works has just undergone a "turnaround" for the last few weeks where they shut down most production so they can do yearly maintenance. Because they work 24-hours a day so they are shut down for a shorter period of time, this leaves the safety people working 12-hour shifts...and Ben's was 5 p.m. to 5 a.m. Compounding this, I have been feeling cruddy in a 1st trimester sort of way. Will, however, is a fantastically accomodating child, and he has been really great. I just have to brag on how well he has handled all this and how his behavior has just gotten more and more mature these weeks.

I had my first doctors appointment on Monday, and, because we figured I was about 11 weeks, my dr decided to get out the doppler and listen for a heartbeat. When she didn't hear one, she told me that it's her policy that once she decides to listen, if she doesn't hear it, she takes an ultrasound just for the mom's peace of mind. I said that was a good policy. So I discovered in ultrasound that everything was just fine...except that I was only 9 weeks along, not 11. I guess this helps explain how I got preganant -- my body tricked me into thinking I wasn't able to concieve at a time of the month when, well, I was. So I saw the peanut. This baby was not nearly as wild in the womb as Will was when I first saw him at around 10 weeks. (Maybe that's a good sign????) Will was bouncing all over the place like a pinball in his first ultrasound, a personality trait that endures to this day! So maybe this will be a calm baby...well, I can hope. :-)

Anyway, I felt like I should update this since I have been delinquent lately. I'll try and be better since I should have something to write about every four weeks or so when I see the doctor, I guess. ;-) Right now, I'm just going to work on valuing my sleep time since I know how short I will be on that very very soon.