Monday, November 12, 2007

The "other blog"

I can't remember if I mentioned this on here before, but I recently took a paid blogging position over at BabyCenter, which is a widely read portal for all things baby and child. Because this blog is mostly for friends and family and that one is more about the general world of parenting, there isn't a lot of overlap on things I *would* post here, but end up putting over there for the sake of getting a post going. But last night I found myself writing a post I thought you guys might like to read, as well.

It's about Will's latest "I-Can't-Believe-He-Just-Said-That" moment. Let's just say it involves questions about the reproductive process:
The little genius problem (at our house, at least)

If you're curious and would like to check out my other posts, there's a nav bar on the right hand side of the main page, and toward the bottom, it has a "Posts by author" link. I'm the first one listed.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Wonderful post! We often think about the challenges of raising children who have learning disabilities, so it's especially interesting to hear the other perspective.