Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween from Hernando, everyone! We had fun tonight. Well, the kids did! Of course mom gets candy duty, but that's pretty fun, too. My favorite? A little girl dressed as Dorothy with a very real, tiny Toto tagging along behind.

But my kids were the cutest, of course! Well, the cutest and the creepiest were what I think they were going for. Exhibit A: The Unknown Phantom (insert spooky, ominous sounding music here). He wanted this costume sooooooooooooo badly. He picked it out in Louisiana before we even left, but I told him he had to wait until after the move to buy his costume. It was freakin' September, after all! Then he oscillated between Ninja, skeleton, and Unknown Phantom. Clearly, the initial instinct won out. It is a pretty cool costume, though! The spooky eyes fade on and off, and the mask is somehow simultaneously easy to see through yet opaque for the onlooker. Cool. This is the first halloween I've EVER allowed them to buy their costumes rather than have us make them. But with the move and me working, it was a good choice. Besides, spooky red eyes that fade on and off are beyond my mommy skills right now.

The cute aspect, of course, is with little Snow White. She was a hit, too. They made a nice pair, one spooky and one sweet. She loved it, but Ben said he did have to keep the little extrovert from running into people's houses and making herself at home. We also couldn't get her to say "Trick or Treat" -- she'd just say "Treat!" Well, that IS the idea, I guess, right?

And my favorite photo of the night? The kids with Daddy! Will and Daddy were trying to do a "scary shot," but Adelaide? No way! That's her daddy! He needs a big hug.

One other word of wisdom: Don't order pizza on Halloween night, especially if you're all really hungry. You start getting bitter at cute little trick-or-treaters who aren't holding pizzas.

Hope everyone had a fun, safe night!

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the ruffhouse said...

So cute! Great costume choices too! Hope you guys are well.

Emilee Odette Garrett said...

Fun, fun, fun! Your 2 are adorable...