Isn't this beautiful? It's a Will Creation. He calls it "Damaged Lungs." He created it from scratch, only with a blank photoshop document. He thinks it looks like lungs on either side...though clearly, they are damaged a bit. But beautiful, I think. Beautifully damaged. It's funny, he really can't draw at all with pencil and paper, but put him in front of a computer, and he's a genius with color and shape. (Not that I'm biased, or anything.)
Friday, August 31, 2007
Will's latest artistic creation
Sunday, August 26, 2007
The conversation I just had with Will
Will: Mommy, what year were you born?
Me: 1978.
Will: (Thoughtful silence) Did they have cars back then?
Me: (Shocked silence) Did you just ask me if they had cars "back then"?
Will: (Not laughing, even though I was sure he must be joking.) Yes.
Will: (Ponders this for a moment.) Modern cars of today, or horse-drawn wagons?
Me: (Trying not to let the expanding pressure in my head cause a full cerebral explosion.) today... (teeth clenched.)
Will: Huh. Well, okay.
Me: (muffled crying noises.)
My SELF article was picked up by
When I get a Google Alert on my name, it's usually a regional mag that's picked up a reprint, or even from clips posted on my own website. But I was surprised today. Apparently my story for SELF (which was MUCH more time consuming to produce than the final product shows, let me assure you) got picked up by
The Skinny on Spicy Foods
So that's pretty cool. In the world of "all rights" contract, I unfortunately don't get paid again, but I did get paid the first time, and MSNBC is a pretty good pencil notch.
Monday, August 20, 2007
Sunday, August 19, 2007
The Big 0-2
Today was Adelaide's second birthday...hard to believe in some ways, for sure. But then again, it's difficult to remember what life was like without her around. She's such a trip -- always dancing, singing, and diving headfirst (literally and figuratively) into everything she does. Ask her how old she is and she'll proudly proclaim "Dooooooo!" (That means two.) She didn't quite understand what all the fuss was about today, of course, but she didn't complain when offered chocolate and pretty presents, some with singing cards attached.
She had a blast being the "birthday princess" today, and Ben was able to come down this weekend to spend it with us. It hurts to know he's leaving tomorrow -- everytime he goes out the door, Adelaide starts crying, begging for "Da-yi, Da-yi" to come back. It's hard on her -- she doesn't understand. Then again, it's hard on Will, and he does. I think, however, it's hardest on Ben. Tonight, Adelaide wanted another piece of cake. In her logic, the way to get that was to find her birthday crown and put it on. "Da-yi!" she called, pointing at the cake and showing him she had put on her appropriate headgear. Since she'd already had two baths today, he cut her a piece and fed it to her rather than letting her do it herself. Everytime he'd give her a bite, she'd grin her million-dollar toothy smile and do a cute little dance. I looked over at him and he was crying. He just couldn't bear knowing tomorrow he'd be going back to the lonely confines of his hotel room alone.
I don't know when we'll sell our house. But I truly, truly, want it to be soon.
Friday, August 17, 2007
Skateboarding for siblings
Adelaide's birthday is Sunday, and she is claiming her terrible two-ness. Mom sent, along with other items, two Toys R Us gift cards -- one for Laila and one for Will. Well, we actually had to leave our house yesterday for a showing (hallelujah!) and Will suggested we cash in their cards. So we went. After looking at blocks, RC cars, and action figures, Will inexplicably chose a skateboard. Fortunately we had just gotten him a new helmet for his bike and he chose a skate helmet that came with elbow and knee pads, as well. So he had all the safety items -- he wanted that board, that just happened to be the exact price I told him to look for.
Adelaide happily chose a pink music set that included a snare drum (pink), maracas (pink), a tambourine (pink) and a harmonica (green -- nah, I'm just kidding, it was pink, too). But when we got home and Will started ripping open that skateboard box, she was smitten. Along with the board, a beanie (black, with a skull and crossbones decor), chain wallet, and wrist band were included. She quickly and independently appropriated these items. Yes, as Will and I were de-plasticizing his skateboard, she decided she must wear the beanie. Will acquiesed, as he had a helmet on. But when she went after the board itself...well, he was not so much pleased.
We worked it out (and let me pretend it was done easily, without must consternation and gnashing of teeth, okay?) and they took turns, Adelaide on her hienie and Will trying not to do the splits ("Mommy, are there any books on 'how to skateboard'?" he asks). Then we opened her pink percussive instruments and she discovered the harmonica.
And for the rest of the day, my soon-to-be-2-year-old walked around the house tooting her new instrument. It was actually rather lovely, and much prefered to the snare drum.
And yes, she did it while wearing the beanie. It was lovely.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
My article: Get Organized for Back-to-School
At first blush, this might seems like one of the most ironic assignments of all time: Not only do I homeschool my school-age child, I am also massively disorganized. The truth, however, is that it was perfect. He went to school for a year, and I truly had monumental difficulties getting out the door in the morning. Ergo, I knew ALL the problems, and thus the right questions to ask! I was really pleased with how it turned out. Go check it out!
Manic Back-to-School Mornings: Solved!
Need help getting out of the house on school mornings? Save yourself time — and a headache — with our supply list of family organizational tips. By Alyson McNutt English
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Slow, slow, slow
We had about 40 agents through the house today on an agent tour. Most of them had positive things to say. Four of them said we needed to lower the price to $199,900. My realtor says they're nuts: They didn't check the comps. That would be $105 a square foot, and houses in here go for about $119 on average. She says there's NOTHING wrong with the house that would require that kind of price cut and not to freak -- that they simply don't know the neighborhood and were there for free food. Most said our price was very saleable -- a couple said closer to $210 would get it gone faster.
Really, I do want to sell it so badly. I had no idea it would take this long...even though everyone looks at me like I'm nuts since this is what, day 21? But it's time to move on with our lives, and apparently we listed at the worst possible time -- the market just dropped dead here. She says wait through the weekend before we hit panic. I said I'll try.
The photo? Well, it does kind of indicate my mood right now. I feel like we're in a holding pattern, and like life is just a little shadowy right now. I can't see what's behind the shadow, though I know there has to be sun to create the darkness. I'm holding out for the sun.
Monday, August 13, 2007
Another photo from Murray
I've been editing these, and since I've been pretty busy around the house (is everyone praying for a sale? I hope so!) I haven't been taking the kids out to get more. So I'm posting another of my faves from when I took Laila to MSU. This is, of course, Lovett Auditorium. There was a band practicing inside and she really wanted to go in and jam with them. She wasn't too happy when I wouldn't let her open the doors -- she's a musical girl at heart.
Friday, August 10, 2007
More MSU photos
Well, I'm back in Louisiana now, waiting for this house to speak to the heart of some anxious buyer-to-be, but in the meantime, I got around to editing some of the photos I took while I was up in Tuckasee. I usually take portrait shots, but I got several photos of buildings at MSU that I liked a lot. This is one of them -- Pogue at dusk. It has been post-processed a bit to make the colors pop, but I think it's a really nice representation. Click on my flickr photos to see more.
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
Now onto our next stop: Clarksville
Well, today is Ben's birthday. It's the first time I haven't been with him on his birthday in 8 years. That's a long time when you're only 29. I miss him terribly, and I just desperately want our house to sell so we can all be together again. It's been nine days, which is the blink of an eye in today's market, I suppose, but it feels like an eternity to me. The average days on market for our neighborhood is around 30 days. School starts in Baton Rouge in a week and a half, and the summer rush is slowing down. All of this pains me greatly. I think I'm getting an ulcer. Regardless, we continue on our familial road trip, today heading to Clarksville to stay with Ben's parents. The weather here was lovely for my children, who are used to oppressive humidity, daily tropical rains, and three-digit heat indices. They headed out to their grandparent's fenced back yard and both ran at once for the large blue hammock that beckoned from beneath a shady maple tree. They managed to take turns for a bit, with a few bumps and knocks to show for their attempts (see photo below.) They also had a fun time, too -- they really get along well about 95% of the time, and it held true today. My travel-weary but always game kids are holding up well. Now if mommy could just feel better, we'd all be fine.