Sunday, April 01, 2007

Home's cool.

We've made a big decision. Will is going to be homeschooled next year.

This is in NO way a reflection on his school, which we still love and support. Rather, it's about Will. We didn't come to this decision lightly -- it was the product of a lot of talking, thinking, research, and introspection on our parts. But ultimately, we decided this is the best thing for him -- and for us -- right now.

Tentatively on the schedule for "first grade" is architecture (learning about styles and letting him do some basic design), computer programming (HTML mostly), lots of science, probably some photography, and of course math and handwriting. You might be noticing the abscence of reading, which seems pretty elemental for a first grader, but of course, Will gets reading all the time every day. He is a voracious reader, and while he's going to be reading books for fun, he'll also be reading to learn.

We're really excited, and he is too. We plan on keeping in touch with his friends from school as well as meeting new homeschooling friends. Adelaide will continue to go to her preschool program, and basically, things will be pretty much normal.

We're so at peace with this decision, which is a big contrast to the "tied in knots" feelings we were dealing with thinking about it all. Once we decided, it was like, "whew!" We could just relax again. We plan on using the money we'd set aside for tuition for things like more family vacations and supplies for school, among other things.

I fully intend to keep writing as much, if not more, than I am now, and while I realize this will be a major life change, I feel comfortable we can work it out. I think I may start getting up with Ben and working some before the kids wake up!

We're so excited to share this news with everyone. Thanks for your support.


Emilee Odette Garrett said...

Oh, wow! What a big decision... It looks like you've got some great ideas for learning already. Can't wait to hear more about it. If I ever think about doing it, I know who to talk to now! Good for you and good luck!

Tiffany Todd said...

You will absolutely be able to once you adjust. I homeschooled two and had two small ones and managed to write! Good for you for doing what is right for your little guy!