Well, not the greatest photo, but you can definitely see the newly formed hole in Will's mouth. He was so excited to sign "the big tooth" at school finally. And the one next to it is super loose, as well, so soon enough, he may have a cavernous hole in the bottom of his mouth. And next month he'll be six...*sigh*...tempus fugit, right?
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Man (or woman) overboard! What's their big secret?
Man (or woman) overboard - Cruise Vacations - MSNBC.com
Okay, so this article is about how hard it is to fall off a cruise ship. But these two people who fell off last week have piqued my curiosity -- they're seeking a lot of privacy about the circumstances of their little dive. My question: What do you think they were doing that they don't want others to find out about. My bet? A little Titanic "King of the World" action and a couple of hard drinks. What do you think?
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Indoor Kids (and mommy musings)
Okay, so I realized I hadn't been taking many photos lately. It's interesting -- when I wasn't writing, my camera was always at hand. It kept me sane in some ways, I guess -- I HAD to be creative somehow, and the camera was a stop-gap until I realized there was no reason to quit writing just because you have kids to take care of -- quite the contrary, actually.
Anyway, I've been pretty busy lately, and that is good. I was nervous for a while after I left the editing job at the local parenting publication because I didn't really feel like I knew what I was doing. But I have made some amazing friends who have helped me along the way (Sharon Anne Waldrop and Gina Roberts-Gray, whose bylines you might recognize, have been amazing!) and I'm seeing some very real progress. I don't want to post about the assignments I have right now because they can always get bumped, but I will definitely post when they do run. But of course, this is titled "Indoor Kids," to match with my previous "Outdoor Kids" post. The kids love being outside, but my creative kids can definitely wreak havoc...I mean, PLAY... inside, as well, especially during March Madness and deadline time! Will loves the new Sumo Lounge we got -- I am going to review it soon for my column that runs in Baton Rouge Parents Magazine, but I'll give you a preview right now -- it's AWESOME! For one thing, both kids can comfortably be on it at once, which is an absolute Godsend for my family since when Adelaide sees Will do something, she MUST do it, as well, which leads to him often reluctantly surrendering his seating preference to avoid shrill-induced hearing loss. But with the huge Sumo Lounge, they completely don't have to -- they just plop down on it together. Anyway, the photo of him at the top is on the big Sumo Lounger, as he is often found.
Adelaide is, of course, into EVERYTHING. You can see the train table behind her -- she loves it, which has induced a bit of a train-lovin' renaissance in Will. (See, the "you have it, I want it" goes both ways here.) Anyway, they both play on it, but his is more construction while hers is, shall we say, deconstruction. For a girl who would wear frilly dresses and patent leather mary janes every day of the week if I'd let her, Adelaide certainly does love crashing cars and trains into each other. Then again, she's surely been watching brother. You can also see her "Pata-pata," as she calls him -- the darn thing plays patty cake every time you touch it's foot. We knew when Will was 1 that he was showing architect/engineer tendencies. Adelaide, if we are again correct, will be a vet. She loves animals, live and pretend, and treats them like baby dolls. Anyway, she's always finding something to do, and I'm hopeful that as she gets older, it will involve more fun playing like this and less hunting for leftover Adelaide snacks on she's left herself, Hansel and Gretel-Style, on floors in nearly every room of the house.
Anyway, that's my musings today on my indoor kids. I had a bit of writer's block before I started this, and now I'm feeling better, so I'm off to do some paying work with my renewed flow of wordiness. :)
Outdoor kids
The kids love being outdoors, which is great in the spring and a killer in the summer...and fall...and late spring, too, really...down here in the deeeeeeeeeeeep south. But Will is apparently a prodigious batter (now to work on his catching skills -- he ducks when he doesn't have the bat in his hands) and Adelaide...well, she's just a little wild at heart, I think. She tries to sneak outside whenever a door is open, so we have to keep a close eye on her. And thank God for the alarm system that beeps whenever a door opens, because we've realized she can reach the door handles no problem now. (Everything stays locked now -- even when Ben's barbecueing, he has to knock to get it or else she will escape!)
Thursday, March 15, 2007
From Ben's Gaming Blog: "Thrown Out of Wal-Mart"
This is reposted from Ben's gaming blog. I just couldn't get over it. Wow. One more reason to avoid Wal-Mart like the plague...anyway, hear it from Ben:
Things have been busy lately. My daughter got tubes in her ears on Monday, and fortunately, my Mom was able to come down and help out during that time. So I had to have her at the airport at 5 this morning for her flight out. I really don't need to be at work until 6:30 or 7, so I go to Wal-Mart to pick up some frozen meals for lunch and wander over to grab some donuts for the office.
I walk up to the only check out open in the store and the guy in front of me in line says "Do you work here?"
Me: "No."
WM Jerk: "Well, we don't open for another 20 minutes. How did you get in here?"
Me: "Through the door."
WM Jerk: "So you forced the doors open to get in here?"
Me: "No, I came in through the regular door closer to the side of the building."
WM Jerk, into radio: "We need someone on the Food Center doors right away. We have an intruder."
Me: "What? OK, whatever, I'm leaving."
WM Jerk: "You can't just leave that stuff there, it's frozen."
At that point I just walked out. After I was outside, I went over to the front doors and they didn't open, but there were no store hours posted and the regular (not-automatic) doors on the side where they keep all the vending machines were unlocked and propped open. I walked past at least 6 Wal-Mart employees while I was shopping and not a single one stopped me or asked why I was in the store. I should really never go to Wal-Mart. Bad things happen when I do.
Monday, March 12, 2007
Adelaide in her surgical duds
Well, Adelaide got tubes in her ears today. This is a shot of her before they took her in. Not so great quality -- I took it with my cell phone -- but she was really good while we waited. Afterwards, she was very fussy for a while, but all seems to be well now. Next week we go back for our follow-up and we're going to get her some custom-fitted ear molds for when she takes a bath or swims.
The doctor said she did have some fluid that drained, but that was normal and she didn't have an acute ear infection today. (That's good.) So here's hoping all is well in the ear department from now on!
Friday, March 09, 2007
Hilarity ensues...
Well, Ben was off work today, and I have been wanting to get a new headshot for my column that runs in the local parenting pub here. So we though, what the heck, let's go ahead and try and get this done. So we pin up my "backdrop" and I sit down, ready to try and get some shots...when Ham-aliscious (Hamalaide?) baby girl says, "Oh...a camera? They must want ME!" So she comes over and decides to diaper primadonna her way into the photos. This is only one of them, but it is one of the funniest to me. I think she'd be giving me bunny ears if she knew how. (It would, after all, be retribution.)
Or, as I'm sure my parents would say, it would be just desserts for the former childhood ham-it-up queen...yours truly.