Sunday, January 14, 2007

Will's Camera!

Well, it's happened. Will got a disposable camera for Lindsay's wedding. He really liked taking pictures, so I went and found a digital camera that I didn't use much anymore and I've given it to him. It's a little teeny tiny 2 megapixel sony pocket camera, and he's really enjoying it. This is one of the first photos her took with it, and I think it is very nice. He took it to his Annie rehersal today at school, so I got a "backstage look" at what he does while he's waiting to go on for his one scene! Apparently, the batteries died while he was playing with it back there, but his friends taught him the old "take the batteries out and rub them together" trick to resuscitate it. So I guess that we'll be seeing more of Will's photography in the coming days, weeks and long as he takes care of the camera like he should!
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Carrie Rogers said...

Awe that's such a great picture!! I love it!!!

OurLilypad said...

Great job Will!
We love seeing Mommy's smiling face too!