Sunday, September 03, 2006

fashion queen

fashion queen, originally uploaded by je ne sais quoi.

have I mentioned SHE is the one who goes for frilly frou-frou? This was her cousin's tinkerbell outfit, lent to us for Adelaide. I had stored it away when we got it because it was just too big. But recently I was going through her closet to look for some hand-me-downs for a friend of mine, and I found it. I got it out and hung it up with her other outfits, not thinking too much about it.

Well, usually, after she wakes up, I will change her diaper, then walk her over to her closet and stand there trying to decide what to put on her. Lately, however, she's started exerting the force of her own personality and trying to pull and make choices herself. Of course, the first time Princess Poopy Pants spotted this deliciously diva outfit, she had to wear it. The hat? Gymboree. I know. But she wanted it, and who am I to trump child-like creativity?

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