Okay, in this article from Reuter's "Oddly Enough," this kid gets an entire story because he bought a pink convertible off ebay. Bah! He probably just saw it on the homepage. It didn't require him to, say, type in a search term, read the description, and THEN hit "buy it now."
But seriously, this is how Will bought a Spy Kids computer game off ebay when he was three years old! I had left myself signed into ebay and he used the "Buy it Now" option. Of course, his game was only $7 and I just paid it and decided I had a good story to tell. Probably because when he did it, I had recently tried to explain to the cable company that it was my three-year-old that had purchased the Spiderman 2 pay-per-view and they were NOT nice about it, and Verizon was also completely unforgiving when I tried to explain that, in fact, my preschooler was the one sending text messages, not us. So I figured, $7, you know, whatever.
At least it wasn't pink. ;-)
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Well, at least Will only bought a $7 video game...
Friday, September 22, 2006
*sigh* Meet Will, via Calvin...
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Bye, guys! We'll miss you!
Ann and Joey are leaving for Montgomery this week. They've been our closest friends since we moved here, and it is a pretty sad thing to see them go. Tonight we went out, with several other friends from church, to Ichibans, a japanese steakhouse. Will pretty much loved it, except for when the fire "scared him out of the crap," as he would say. But he loved it when the griller started flipping egg bits into people's mouths! In the picture, Eddie and Karen White; George and Carolyn Myer; Greg and Sally Palmer; Tim, Rachel, and Maya Wylie; Joey and Ann; Hannah, Eddie and Karen's daughter is holding Will, and then us of course. *sigh* we're going to miss you, Ann and Joey!
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
LEGO master
Yes, I have two children...and here is the little prince..., originally uploaded by je ne sais quoi.
He is really good, don't you think?
Sunday, September 03, 2006
One-year-old portraits...*sigh*...one year...
Well, after a bout of illness on little missy's part (she's fine now -- apparently just a viral bug that causes fever -- was better in about 48 hours), the weather was finally cool enough that I felt inspired to go outside and get some "real" one-year-old portraits. We went into the backyard and caught a few, and then we went to Independence Park's Botanical Gardens. She was pretty interested in most everything there, particularly the rocks. I had to fish several out of her mouth. They were those little pebble-type ones, which, I have to admit, do look somewhat like the might be in the general baby snack food genre. Nonetheless, I would have thought after the second or third time she tried to bite down on it, she would have learned.
Thankfully, however, she has learned that a stern look and an open palm in front of her face mean "Get whatever is in your mouth OUT and put it in my hand."
I was pretty pleased with these results. If you click on the photo, it will take you to the flickr photo page. From there, you can click on each individual square's notes (it will say "larger" when you mouse over it) to see a bigger image.
joy in motion
Can anyone believe that my babies are this big now? I can't. They can play together so well when they want to, despite the age difference. Chase is one of their favorite games. Do you see how real the smiles on their faces are? Wonderfully, beautifully real.
fashion queen
have I mentioned SHE is the one who goes for frilly frou-frou? This was her cousin's tinkerbell outfit, lent to us for Adelaide. I had stored it away when we got it because it was just too big. But recently I was going through her closet to look for some hand-me-downs for a friend of mine, and I found it. I got it out and hung it up with her other outfits, not thinking too much about it.
Well, usually, after she wakes up, I will change her diaper, then walk her over to her closet and stand there trying to decide what to put on her. Lately, however, she's started exerting the force of her own personality and trying to pull and make choices herself. Of course, the first time Princess Poopy Pants spotted this deliciously diva outfit, she had to wear it. The hat? Gymboree. I know. But she wanted it, and who am I to trump child-like creativity?
Happy birthday, baby
Some kids cry when they're sung to. They turn their nose up at the cake and just want to be done with the whole thing...not Adelaide! Once she'd finished off her cake, she went for the plate, too.
She had a great 1st birthday. :-)
I said I wouldn't succumb to the whole "princess" thing
Aw, but mom got her the crown, and she has such this little "princess" thing...I have never encouraged frilly and feathers, and I've never intentionally "blinged" her...but she LIKES it. SHE wants to wear the frilly dresses and change her shoes three times during the day. And what can I do...it's about letting her be herself, after all. That's all I want.