Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Introducing (drumroll....) WILL'S BLOG!!!

Wow, Will is just so fun.

Let me introduce everyone to his really great blog "Terrific Kid." He came up with the title all by himself. So clearly he has no problems with self-esteem...but he is a terrific kid, so that's fine.

Will has been asking me for a blog for a looooong time, ever since he realized I was posting on mine. I should have done it sooner, but better now than never! Will likes to get on Adobe Photoshop and create really cool pictures with neat effects. I certainly don't think it looks like the work of someone who just turned five!

He says he also wants to start posting pictures of his lego creations and scanning in his art that he does here at home. Really he just wants to have a website. For a tech-savvy little guy, I guess that's sort of an awesome thing!

So visit his site and leave a comment. He LOVES reading his comments, and check back because he's one of those bloggers who likes to respond to all of them! He's really proud of his site, and I'm really proud of him. He is, after all, a really Terrific Kid.

1 comment:

OurLilypad said...

Awesome blog site Will! Keep up the artistic work!