Saturday, February 18, 2006

Mystique -- the kids first Mardi Gras parade...

Here are my favorite photos from the Krewe Mystique de la Capitale parade from this afternoon. We got SO. MUCH. STUFF. I mean, people were running over handing the kids stuffed animals, bling-o-riffic beads, and all sorts of goodies. Will had a great time, and Adelaide loved the music and bands. It was cold and a little rainy, but we all are glad we went. Next time, however, we're bringing a bag so Adelaide can actually ride back to the car in her stroller. (What you can't see is that beyond the stuff in the seat, the basket under the stroller seat is bulging with stuff!)

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1 comment:

Tanya Nichols said...

Aye Alison where ye be...i havent heard hide nor hair of ye...are ye oppossed to leavin a comment or two poppet? hope to hear from ya before we hit davy jones locker...

Ok im tired but i wanted to say hi in my wierd tanya way! heheh