Friday, July 08, 2005

Big baby and happy brother

Well, here's the latest on us. I had a doctors appointment a few days ago where we had another ultrasound done (note picture above) and it was very reassuring. Things looked good, and everything was normal except that apparently this may be a big baby. I've been saying that for a few weeks now, that I think she's big, but I got confirmation. According to the measurements on the ultrasound, she's approximately 5 lbs. at 32 weeks gestation, which means we'll probably be seing a baby who weighs more than 8 lbs. at birth, which is considered big (not in my family, but in the medical world.)

Will is excited and has been such a big help to me. He's just been such a great companion to me over these last few weeks because he is really understanding and tries to make things as easy on me as possible. For example, he takes his clothes into the laundry room for me, picks things up off the floor when I can't get down there too well, and is generally very understanding about all of it for a four-year-old. He has to come to my doctor's appointments with me, and he is SO good -- if we take some legos and a couple of books, he will occupy himself while I'm with the doctor. He was VERY interested in getting to see the ultrasound. I thought he'd be into seeing "pictures" of the baby, but instead he wanted to watch the ultrasound tech and ask her questions about how she was doing that and the stuff she was typing into her computer. Very typical.

For example, the other night we were watching fireworks on the 4th. We got to watch from our house because people with homes on the lake were shooting off their docks. (And I'm not talking about Billy Bob going to Wal-Mart and buying $50 worth of pyrotechnics -- these looked very similar to what one would see, say, at Steward Stadium in Murray. Not quite that maginitude, but the same quality. It was AWESOME.) Anyway, there were two people at opposite ends of the lake with sort of "dueling" shows, so we were constantly like, "Look there! No, back over there!" trying to follow the shows. At one point, Will points up in the sky and is like, "Look, there's one!" And I looked and saw that he was just noticing a really bright star, and I told him so. He nodded and was like, "Oh, yeah. Stars are just big balls of gas." We were like, WHAT? Apparently he learned that in this summer program he did a couple of weeks ago. But I have to say we were quite impressed with not only the retention of that information, but also of the cognitive ability to understand and store that information. I mean, I just think we have the coolest kid on earth.

Anyway, I am doing well and we have a c-section scheduled for the morning of August 19. We're doing our last minute baby stuff and praying that we don't have a major hurricane that disrupts life down here. But we're good, and looking forward to the next step in our family's life.

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