Monday, September 13, 2004

A Busy Day...and where's "Ivan" now?

Well, our major accomplishment for today was that we scored an awesome preschool for Will. I had heard from several people that we needed to get Will on the waiting list for the Parkview school immediately if we were to get him in there. I called this morning and asked if I could put him on the wait list. After I gave the secretary all the info about his age, half day, etc., she told me that they actually had an opening! We were so pumped. So we went down there, signed him up, and he got to go see his classroom and meet his teacher.

They have a website:

It doesn't have just a ton of info on it, but you can check it out if you want to. Will's totally pumped, although I did discover today while buying his supplies that apparently Hurrican Ivan is a preschooler. You see, all the supermarkets here are out of gallon jugs of water, batteries, and 4-packs of Play-Doh brand play dough. Generic, yes. Play-Doh brand, which is specifically named on his list, no. Super Target? No. Super Wal-Mart? No. Home Depot and Lowes have huge signs posted that there is a limit on playwood and boards per person, but apparently the high-demand 4-packs of Play-Doh are seriously necessary and the shelves are bare.

Ben had a great first day at work and has a text beeper now, which I'm sure I will find incredibly useful.

Cable guys still haven't called.

That's it for today. Later, all.

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