Friday, April 04, 2008

Who needs a good belly laugh? I got one for ya, right here...

So, I got a new laptop recently: my old one just couldn't keep up with my fabulousness. No, that's not true. It was heavy and bulky and had awful battery life, but she was a good 'ole gal. Regardless, I got a Macbook. And lo and behold, it has an integrated camera.

We knew this, but this week, we all just really "discovered" the photo booth application. And boy, do I have a couple of hammy kids! (Disregard the mommy photos at the beginning...I needed a new Facebook photo, okay!)

Yes, we all discovered the unbridled joy of PhotoBooth with iSight on my new Mac. Of course, Will seemed to love it the most...or experiment with it the most. Whichever.

Anyway, I am warning you now -- some of these are bwahahaha-ers. They're funny, I mean.
