One more picture by the pond. She's a little blurry (thanks to low light and my attempt to capture the evening without a flash) but it is still a cute picture!
Sarah and Will "looking for snakes and alligators," as they explained it, in the small pond behind our house. Don't worry -- they didn't find any ;-)
This is just a good picture of Will -- Dad insisted on the haircut for the heat of the Louisiana summer. I loathed to cut his hair so short, but my consolation is that by August, hopefully it will be grown out again for all those pictures with his new little sister!
Sarah and Will playing on some of the equipment at the park. Will's helping Sarah make it over one of the obstacles -- he's a perfect gentleman, huh?
This is Will and his "best friend" from preschool, Sarah. They're sitting at a picnic table at the park behind our house.
Wife. Mama. Writer. Thinker. Passionate to a fault. Pet Peeves: Bad spelling, ignorance, stupidity, loud bass bumpin' on public streets. Enjoys well-done ethnic food of any country. Sports nut. Anthropoligie taste but Target budget. Chocolate: yes please, and with peanut butter if you don't mind. Skeptical of chemicals, likes being green. Always needs to have a camera on hand, be it her D80 or her iPhone. Critical of those who don't try their best. Probably likes shopping too much. Trying to learn to sew. Has a Facebook problem. Not a great cook, but tries. Makes seriously the best effing cookies in the WORLD. Believes in the Anne Frank outlook on life -- beneath all of this, people are basically good.